Wednesday, 23 December 2015

RT601 - Scum

Hi Folks, here is my my latest painted miniature the aptly named 'Scum' or more fondly know as Space Eunuch due to inscription on his base tag, now what the hell is a Space Eunuch? 

So here is the dictionary definition of a Eunuch for those who do not know: "a man who has been castrated, especially (in the past) one employed to guard the women's living areas at an oriental court", you know big bald headed guy's with a single earring, baggy trousers, guarding the harem in many a Arabian Knights tale.

Now I was thinking a Space Marine is the perfect eunuch as they are about as sexless as you can get and this miniature would fit the bill for the adventuring penitent Marine from the Ian Watson novel. He would also make a nice boarding party member and looks like he would be first on to any captured Spaceship, a pit fighter, body guard, the list is endless.

This was a nice miniature to paint as he has an interesting armour harness and Chainsword, I distressed these a little but tried not to go overboard as this would blur the details.

He also had a bit of a badly sculpted fist where the palm poked out like a massive ball which I didn't discover until I was painting him so I didn't have a chance to file it down so I managed paint it as a Grenade. 

I am going to name space Eunuch after a real historical Eunuch would rose to be one of the most powerful men in Europe at the time, Narses. (Read up if you don't know his story)

Scum aka Space Eunuch - front

Scum - back

An end is in sight for my Rogue Trader Adventurers project, 8 more miniatures to paint.

thanks for visiting 


  1. Looking great ! It seems this one does not suffer from the usual fatness you can see on eunuchs ! Working out does pay (or is it the progenoid glands).

  2. A fearsome looking character with a very squeeky voice.

  3. Very cool! Nice weathering, great skin pallor, well-named, and generally lots of character. Doesn't sho3box have one of these posted on his blog? Great minds apparently paint alike :)
